Us humans have walked the planet earth for over 200,000 years. In this time we have seen a stone age, bronze age, the industrial revolution and now we are entering a new age which is just as pivotal, what could be called the age of the cloud. Yet when you live through each day so much seems to have changed yet nothing.
I wake up in the morning brush my teeth, grab some coffee, check the weather, catch the morning news, read the paper, go for a quick run, shower and check my calendar, drive down to meet a client, check in to the nearest coffee shop and grab a quick breakfast just in time to make it to my appointment. Probably fits the description of any urbanite in the last 60 years. So then what’s changed?
Let’s quickly rewind the morning scene and play it back a little differently now. Wake up in the morning brush my teeth, grab some coffee, log into Wunderground check the hourly forecast, switch to my news reader catch my personalized news, turn on my trail tracking software go for a run, compare the speeds of my last 5 runs, check my phone calendar, jump into my car turn on the GPS, spot a coffee shop on the way to the client office, grab a quick breakfast , whoops I’m late, so just dial into a video conference and continue to enjoy my breakfast.
... and lets add this to the list too... "whoops I’m stuck in traffic, so just dial into the conference bridge to kick start my demo!" :-)
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