Today everyone is forgetful. I don’t remember birthdays, holidays, meetings and my tasks for the day. My faithful smart phone does it for me. Three thousand years back the Vedas, a Hindu religious text, was handed down generations by word of mouth and took a lifetime to perfect. Generations were dedicated to carrying the body of work intact. Then the Chinese invented paper and everything changed. People still chanted the Vedas but there were some who dedicated their years for a different cause. This in turn spurned mass education programs and eventually the industrial revolution.
Today we are confronted with a different problem we have an information overload, there are approximately over 1.5 million books in the western world alone. Google dedicated six years using sophisticated scanning equipment with robotic arms to digitize them, just so that we can search and find anything we want. Google enables us to solve almost any problem in the world just by helping us find the solution. So the challenge is no longer how but about finding the right solution to a problem.
Having all the facts in your finger tips is no longer a factor of memory but how accessible your enterprise information is. So now what matters is the ideas I can bring to the table and leave the facts to my faithful gadgets in the cloud.
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